pátek 30. listopadu 2012

Tahko: Contemporary Aristotelian Metaphysics

Zde je synoptický obsah Tahkovy knihy:

1. What is metaphysics? (Kit Fine)
1.1. Foundational aims of metaphysics
1.2. Subject-matter
1.3. Generality
1.4. Eidicity
1.5. Transparency and aprioricity
1.6. The possibility of metaphysics

2. In defense of Aristotelian metaphysics (Tuomas E. Tahko)
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Shoes and ships, and sealing wax
2.3. Naturalizing Aristotelian metaphysics
2.4. The methodology of Aristotelian metaphysics

3. Existence and quantification reconsidered (Tim Crane)
3.1. Introduction
3.2. The problem
3.3. Two irrelevant ideas
3.4. Quantification in natural language
3.5. Domains of quantification and universes of discourse
3.6. Existential sentences: 'there'
3.7. Conclusion: Logic and ontology

4. Identity, quantification, and number (Eric T. Olson)
4.1. The quantificaiton and identity of principles
4.2. The uncountability thesis
4.3. Portions of stuff
4.4. Arguments for the uncountability of portions
4.5. The countability of portions
4.6. Numerical and quasinumerical desciptions
4.7. The number of things

5. Ontological categories (Gary Rosenkrantz)
5.1. Metaphysics and categories
5.2. Ontological taxonomies
5.3. Conditions on a predicate's properly expressing an ontological category

6. Are any kinds ontologically fundamental? (Alexander Bird)
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Kinds in Lowe's Four-category ontology
6.3. Do laws require kinds?
6.4. Kinds as combinations of properties
6.5. The inference problem
6.6. Conclusion

7. Are four category two too many? (John Heil)
7.1. Universals as an acquired taste
7.2. What are universals?
7.3. What universals are said to be?
7.4. Universals as explanatory
7.5. Dispositionality
7.6. Kinds real and nominal
7.7. Three little puzzles
7.8. One more shot at universals

8. Four categories - and more (Peter Simons)
8.1. Four categories
8.2. Disputes over categories
8.3. Two kinds of categories
8.4. Factors: grounds of categorial distinctions
8.5. Some factored ontologies
8.6. Categorial flexibility
8.7. The need for more than four categories
8.8. Basic relations
8.9. A vision of metaphysics

9. Neo-Aristotelianism and substance (Joshua Hoffman)
9.1. Aristotle on substance and ontological categories
9.2. Aristotle's analyses of substance
9.3. Aristotelian and neo-Aristotelian theories of substance
9.4. Chisholm's neo-Aristotelian theory of substance
9.5. Lowe's neo-Aristotelian theory of substance
9.6. The Hoffman/Rosenkratz neo-Aristotelian theory of substance
9.7. Conclusion

10. Developmental Potential (Louis M. Guenin)
10.1. The concept of potential
10.2. Dispositional characterization
10.3. Probabilistic modelling of manifestation
10.4. A Quinean attack
10.5. Defense against attack
10.6. Is developmental potential irreducibly probabilistic?

11. The origin of life and the definition of life (Storrs McCall)
11.1. Life's origin, and the division between life and non-life
11.2. The persistence of pattern in single-celled organisms
11.3. The 4D pattern hypothesis
11.4. Conclusion: genetic information and the role of DNA

12. Esence, necessity, and explanation (Kathrin Koslicki)
12.1. Introductory remarks
12.2. Fine's non-modal conceptions of essence
12.3. The causal role of essences in Aristotle's philosophy of science
  12.3.1. Deduction, demonstration, and definition
  12.3.2. Aristotle's explanatory method in biology Case-study: the multiple stomachs of camels Telos, matter, and habitat 
12.4. Conclusion

13. No potency without actuality: the case of graph theory (David S. Oderberg)
13.1. Introduction
13.2. The regress/circularity objection
13.3. Graph theory and Dipert's discontents
13.4. Assymetric graphs to the rescue?
13.5. Conclusion

14. A neo-Aristotelian substance ontology: neither relational nor constitutent (E. J. Lowe)
14.1. Constituent versus relational ontologies
14.2. Troubles with transcendentism and hylemorphism
14.3. The four-category ontology
14.4. The four-category ontology is not a relational ontology
14.5. The four-category ontology is not a constituent ontology

Z uvedeného přehledu je patrné, že by bylo možné Tahkovu knihu rozdělit na několik částí: metametafyzika (1-2), kvantifikace (3-4), ontologické kategorie (5), čtyřkategoriální ontologie E. J. Lowa (6-8, 14), substance (9), biologie (10-11), essence (12), aktualita/potencialita (13).  Největší pozornost je věnována metafyzice E. J. Lowa (kniha koneckonců vznikla z podnětu konference k jeho filosofii na Univerzitě v Buffalu, 8-9. dubna 2006).

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